Utoljára aktív 1715846539

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1 file changed, 605 insertions

practical-file.tex(fájl létrehozva)

@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
1 + %! Author = Sujal Singh
2 + %! Date = 5/8/24
3 +
4 + % Preamble
5 + %! suppress = FileNotFound
6 + \documentclass[11pt]{ipu-python}
7 + \usepackage[
8 + pdftitle={Programming in Python Practical File},
9 + pdfsubject={Programming in Python Practical File},
10 + pdfauthor={Sujal Singh},
11 + pdfdisplaydoctitle,
12 + hidelinks,
13 + ]{hyperref}
14 +
15 + % Packages
16 + \usepackage{amsmath}
17 +
18 + \graphicspath{figures/}
19 +
20 + % Document
21 + \makeindex
22 + \begin{document}
23 + \maketitle
24 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
25 +
26 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
27 + \question{%
28 + Write a program to perform string maniuplation operations using set of pre-defined functions such as:
29 + \begin{itemize}
30 + \item find()
31 + \item upper()
32 + \item len()
33 + \item max() and min()
34 + \item fetching specific content from string
35 + \end{itemize}}\vspace*{10pt}
36 + \begin{code}
37 + {Program}{python}
38 + string = "Hello, World!"
39 +
40 + print(
41 + f'string: "{string}"\n',
42 + f'find("llo"): {string.find("llo")}',
43 + f'upper(): {string.upper()}',
44 + f'len(): {len(string)}',
45 + f'max(): "{max(string)}"',
46 + f'min(): "{min(string)}"',
47 + f'fetching "llo": "{string[(start := string.find("llo")):start + len("llo")]}"',
48 + sep="\n"
49 + )
50 + \end{code}
51 + \begin{code}
52 + {Output}{text}
53 + string: "Hello, World!"
54 +
55 + find("llo"): 2
56 + upper(): HELLO, WORLD!
57 + len(): 13
58 + max(): "r"
59 + min(): " "
60 + fetching "llo": "llo"
61 + \end{code}
62 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
63 +
64 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
65 + \\~\vfill%
66 + \question{%
67 + Write a program to test and check the mathematical functions such as:
68 + \begin{itemize}
69 + \item ciel()
70 + \item sqrt()
71 + \item pow()
72 + \item factorial()
73 + \end{itemize}}\vfill
74 + \newpage
75 + \begin{code}
76 + {Program}{python}
77 + from math import ceil, sqrt, pow, factorial
78 +
79 + num = 3.14
80 +
81 + print(
82 + f"num: {num}\n",
83 + f"ceil(num): {ceil(num)}",
84 + f"sqrt(num): {sqrt(num)}",
85 + f"pow(num, 2): {pow(num, 2)}",
86 + f"factorial(5): {factorial(5)}",
87 + sep="\n"
88 + )
89 + \end{code}
90 + \begin{code}
91 + {Output}{text}
92 + num: 3.14
93 +
94 + ceil(num): 4
95 + sqrt(num): 1.772004514666935
96 + pow(num, 2): 9.8596
97 + factorial(5): 120
98 + \end{code}
99 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
100 +
101 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
102 + \\~\\%
103 + \question{Write a program that receives a number as input from user and returns if it's an odd or even number.}
104 + \begin{code}
105 + {Program}{python}
106 + num = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
107 + print(f"{num} is {'even' if num % 2 == 0 else 'odd'}.")
108 + \end{code}
109 + \begin{code}
110 + {Output}{text}
111 + Enter an integer: 42
112 + 42 is even.
113 + \end{code}
114 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
115 +
116 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
117 + \\~\\
118 + \question{Write a program that receives input from the user to calculate the area of a triangle.}
119 + \begin{code}
120 + {Program}{python}
121 + base = int(input("Enter base length of triangle(m): "))
122 + height = int(input("Enter height of triangle(m): "))
123 + print("area =", 0.5 * base * height)
124 + \end{code}
125 + \begin{code}
126 + {Output}{text}
127 + Enter base length of triangle(m): 5
128 + Enter height of triangle(m): 4
129 + area = 10.0
130 + \end{code}
131 + \newpage
132 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
133 +
134 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
135 + \question{Write a program that receives input from the user to calculate the area of a square.}
136 + \begin{code}
137 + {Program}{python}
138 + side = int(input("Enter side length of square(m): "))
139 + print(f"Area of square of side length {side} is {side * side}.")
140 + \end{code}
141 + \begin{code}
142 + {Output}{text}
143 + Enter side length of square(m): 4
144 + Area of square of side length 4 is 16.
145 + \end{code}
146 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
147 +
148 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
149 + \\~\\
150 + \question{Write a program that receives input from the user to calculate the area of a rectangle.}
151 + \begin{code}
152 + {Program}{python}
153 + length = int(input("Enter length: "))
154 + breadth = int(input("Enter breadth: "))
155 + print(f"Area of rectangle having length {length} and breadth {breadth} is {length * breadth}.")
156 + \end{code}
157 + \begin{code}
158 + {Output}{text}
159 + Enter length: 5
160 + Enter breadth: 4
161 + Area of rectangle having length 5 and breadth 4 is 20.
162 + \end{code}
163 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
164 +
165 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
166 + \\~\\
167 + \question{Write a program to check if the input string is a palindrome or not.}
168 + \begin{code}
169 + {Program}{python}
170 + original = input("Enter a string: ")
171 + print("Given string is", "a" if original == original[::-1] else "not a", "palindrome.")
172 + \end{code}
173 + \begin{code}
174 + {Output}{text}
175 + Enter a string: ehehe
176 + Given string is a palindrome.
177 + \end{code}
178 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
179 +
180 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
181 + \question{Write a program that receives marks of a student for a subject as input and assigns a grade A$\|$B$\|$C%
182 + $\|$D$\|$E$\|$F.}
183 + \begin{code}
184 + {Program}{python}
185 + offset = 9 - int(input("Enter marks for subject (0 - 100): ")) // 10
186 + # Makes negative offset values equal zero
187 + positive_offset = (abs(offset) + offset) // 2
188 + print(chr(65 + positive_offset) if offset <= 5 else "F")
189 + \end{code}
190 + \begin{code}
191 + {Output}{text}
192 + Enter marks for subject (0 - 100): 90
193 + A
194 + \end{code}
195 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
196 +
197 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
198 + \question{Write a program to compute the GCD of two numbers.}
199 + \begin{code}
200 + {Program}{python}
201 + def gcd(a, b):
202 + # Using the Euclidean algorithm
203 + if a < b:
204 + return gcd(a, b - a)
205 + elif a > b:
206 + return gcd(a - b, b)
207 + return a # if a equals b, then gcd is the same as a and b.
208 +
209 +
210 + print(gcd(
211 + int(input("Enter first number: ")),
212 + int(input("Enter second number: "))
213 + ))
214 + \end{code}
215 + \begin{code}
216 + {Output}{text}
217 + Enter first number: 10
218 + Enter second number: 4
219 + 2
220 + \end{code}
221 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
222 +
223 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
224 + \\~\\
225 + \question{Write a program to check if the given number is an Armstrong number or not. Examples of Armstrong number
226 + are 153, 370, 371 etc.}
227 + \begin{code}
228 + {Program}{python}
229 + num = int(str_num := input("Enter a number: "))
230 +
231 + power = len(str_num)
232 + print(
233 + "Given number is",
234 + "not an" if sum([int(digit) ** power for digit in str_num]) != num else "an",
235 + "Armstrong number."
236 + )
237 + \end{code}
238 + \begin{code}
239 + {Output}{text}
240 + Enter a number: 153
241 + Given number is an Armstrong number.
242 + \end{code}
243 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
244 +
245 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
246 + \newpage
247 + \question{Write a program to check if the input year is a leap year or not.}
248 + \begin{code}
249 + {Program}{python}
250 + from calendar import isleap
251 +
252 + print(
253 + "Given year is",
254 + "a" if isleap(int(input("Enter a year: "))) else "not a",
255 + "leap year."
256 + )
257 + \end{code}
258 + \begin{code}
259 + {Output}{text}
260 + Enter a year: 2024
261 + Given year is a leap year.
262 + \end{code}
263 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
264 +
265 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
266 + \\~\\
267 + \question{Write a program to compute factorial of a given number.}
268 + \begin{code}
269 + {Program}{python}
270 + def fac(n):
271 + if n == 0:
272 + return 1
273 + return n * fac(n - 1)
274 +
275 +
276 + print(fac(int(input("Enter a number: "))))
277 + \end{code}
278 + \begin{code}
279 + {Output}{text}
280 + Enter a number: 5
281 + 120
282 + \end{code}
283 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
284 +
285 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
286 + \\~\\
287 + \question{Write a program to generate the Fibonacci sequence till 100.}
288 + \begin{code}
289 + {Program}{python}
290 + a, b = 0, 1
291 + print(a, end=" ")
292 + while b <= 100:
293 + print(b, end=" ")
294 + a, b = b, b + a
295 + \end{code}
296 + \begin{code}
297 + {Output}{text}
298 + 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
299 + \end{code}
300 + \vfill
301 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
302 +
303 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
304 + \newpage
305 + \question{Write a program to print the multiplication table of a given number.}
306 + \begin{code}
307 + {Program}{python}
308 + def table(n):
309 + for i in range(1, 11):
310 + print(f"{n} x {i} = {n * i}")
311 +
312 +
313 + table(int(input("Enter a number: ")))
314 + \end{code}
315 + \begin{code}
316 + {Output}{text}
317 + Enter a number: 3
318 + 3 x 1 = 3
319 + 3 x 2 = 6
320 + 3 x 3 = 9
321 + 3 x 4 = 12
322 + 3 x 5 = 15
323 + 3 x 6 = 18
324 + 3 x 7 = 21
325 + 3 x 8 = 24
326 + 3 x 9 = 27
327 + 3 x 10 = 30
328 + \end{code}
329 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
330 +
331 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
332 + \question{Write a program to create two lists and perform the following operation's:%
333 + \begin{enumerate}
334 + \item Add the elements of the two list.
335 + \item Compare the contents of the two list.
336 + \item Find the number of elements in the list.
337 + \item Sort the elements of the list.
338 + \item Reverse the contents of the list.
339 + \end{enumerate}}
340 + \begin{code}
341 + {Program}{python}
342 + a, b = [1, 3, 2, 4, 5], [6, 5, 7, 9, 8]
343 + print(
344 + [x + y for x, y in zip(a, b)], # Only works for lists having same lengths
345 + a[2] == a[3],
346 + len(a), len(b),
347 + sorted(b),
348 + list(reversed(a)),
349 + sep="\n"
350 + )
351 + \end{code}
352 + \newpage
353 + \begin{code}
354 + {Output}{text}
355 + [7, 8, 9, 13, 13]
356 + False
357 + 5
358 + 5
359 + [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
360 + [5, 4, 2, 3, 1]
361 + \end{code}
362 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
363 +
364 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
365 + \question{Write a Program to create and display the content of the tuple. Initialize the tuple with the name of
366 + the cities. Display content of the tuple along with name/index positions of the cities.}
367 + \begin{code}
368 + {Program}{python}
369 + cities = ("New Delhi", "Pune", "Jaipur", "Amritsar")
370 + print(cities)
371 + print(*[f"({i}): {name}" for i, name in enumerate(cities)], sep="\n")
372 + \end{code}
373 + \begin{code}
374 + {Output}{text}
375 + ('New Delhi', 'Pune', 'Jaipur', 'Amritsar')
376 + (0): New Delhi
377 + (1): Pune
378 + (2): Jaipur
379 + (3): Amritsar
380 + \end{code}
381 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
382 +
383 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
384 + \question{Write a program to create an array of even numbers till 14. Display the contents of array, compute the
385 + length of the array and also show how to delete a element from the desired position from the array.}
386 + \begin{code}
387 + {Program}{python}
388 + array = list(range(0, 15, 2))
389 + print(array)
390 + print(len(array))
391 + del array[3]
392 + print(array)
393 + \end{code}
394 + \begin{code}
395 + {Output}{text}
396 + [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]
397 + 8
398 + [0, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14]
399 + \end{code}
400 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
401 +
402 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
403 + \question{Using \texttt{filter()} function, write a program to filter the elements which are greater than 9.}
404 + \begin{code}
405 + {Program}{python}
406 + from random import randrange
407 +
408 + data = [randrange(0, 20) for _ in range(20)]
409 + print(list(filter(lambda x: x > 9, data)))
410 + \end{code}
411 + \newpage
412 + \begin{code}
413 + {Output}{text}
414 + [12, 12, 17, 14, 15, 16, 12, 13, 11, 15, 14, 12]
415 + \end{code}
416 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
417 +
418 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
419 + \\~\\
420 + \question{Using \texttt{filter()} function, write a program to filter the elements which are greater than 9.}
421 + \begin{code}
422 + {Program}{python}
423 + from random import randrange
424 +
425 + data = [randrange(0, 100) for _ in range(30)]
426 + print(data)
427 + print(list(filter(lambda x: x % 5 == 0, data)))
428 + \end{code}
429 + \begin{code}
430 + {Output}{text}
431 + [94, 39, 28, 55, 56, 39, 1, 53, 82, 24, 71, 20, 22, 36, 27, 40, 33, 67, 42, 94, 51, 41, 50, 3, 71, 15, 68, 29, 78, 79]
432 + [55, 20, 40, 50, 15]
433 + \end{code}
434 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
435 +
436 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
437 + \\~\\
438 + \question{Write a program to create a file called “input.txt”, perform write/read operation on it with a string
439 + ``Computer Science''.}
440 + \begin{code}
441 + {Program}{python}
442 + with open("input.txt", "w") as file:
443 + file.write("Computer Science")
444 +
445 + with open("input.txt") as file:
446 + print(file.read())
447 + \end{code}
448 + \begin{code}
449 + {Output}{text}
450 + Computer Science
451 + \end{code}
452 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
453 +
454 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
455 + \\~\\
456 + \question{Write a program to create a file called “input.txt”, initialize it with a string of your choice and
457 + perform the read operation to read only the first 3 characters from the file.}
458 + \begin{code}
459 + {Program}{python}
460 + with open("input.txt", "w") as file:
461 + file.write("Hello, World!")
462 +
463 + with open("input.txt") as file:
464 + print(file.read(3))
465 + \end{code}
466 + \begin{code}
467 + {Output}{text}
468 + Hel
469 + \end{code}
470 + \newpage
471 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
472 +
473 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
474 + \question{Using NumPy, write a program to create 1-dimensional array, load it with numbers, and perform the
475 + operation of iteration and slicing on it.}
476 + \begin{code}
477 + {Program}{python}
478 + import numpy as np
479 +
480 + print(arr := np.array([2, 3, 4, 1, 7, 6], np.int32))
481 + for e in np.nditer(arr):
482 + print(e, end=" ")
483 + print()
484 + print(arr[2:5])
485 + \end{code}
486 + \begin{code}
487 + {Output}{text}
488 + [2 3 4 1 7 6]
489 + 2 3 4 1 7 6
490 + [4 1 7]
491 + \end{code}
492 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
493 +
494 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
495 + \\~\\
496 + \question{Using NumPy, write a program to create multidimensional array, load it with the numbers and display the
497 + content of it.}
498 + \begin{code}
499 + {Program}{python}
500 + import numpy as np
501 +
502 + arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
503 + print(arr)
504 + \end{code}
505 + \begin{code}
506 + {Output}{text}
507 + [[1 2 3]
508 + [4 5 6]]
509 + \end{code}
510 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
511 +
512 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
513 + \\~\\
514 + \question{Using NumPy, write a program to create two 1-dimensional array and perform the operation of iteration,
515 + sorting the contents of array and concatenating the contents of the array.}
516 + \begin{code}
517 + {Program}{python}
518 + import numpy as np
519 +
520 + arr = np.array([9, 4, 6, 2, 7])
521 +
522 + for e in np.nditer(arr):
523 + print(e)
524 +
525 + print(np.sort(arr))
526 + print(np.concatenate((arr, np.array([38, 77, 29, 84, 75]))))
527 + \end{code}
528 + \begin{code}
529 + {Output}{text}
530 + 9
531 + 4
532 + 6
533 + 2
534 + 7
535 + [2 4 6 7 9]
536 + [ 9 4 6 2 7 38 77 29 84 75]
537 + \end{code}
538 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
539 +
540 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
541 + \\~\\
542 + \question{Using NumPy, initialize an array and display its dimensionality.}
543 + \begin{code}
544 + {Program}{python}
545 + import numpy as np
546 +
547 + arr = np.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [9, 10]]])
548 + print(arr.shape)
549 + \end{code}
550 + \begin{code}
551 + {Output}{text}
552 + (3, 2, 2)
553 + \end{code}
554 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
555 +
556 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
557 + \\~\\
558 + \question{Using Pandas, create a dataframe, initialize it with the contents such as your enrollment Number and
559 + name and display them.}
560 + \begin{code}
561 + {Program}{python}
562 + import numpy as np
563 + import pandas as pd
564 +
565 + class_list = pd.DataFrame(np.array([
566 + ["Name", "Enrollment Number"],
567 + ["Alice", 1],
568 + ["Bob", 2],
569 + ["Bob", 3]
570 + ]))
571 +
572 + print(class_list)
573 + \end{code}
574 + \begin{code}
575 + {Output}{text}
576 + 0 1
577 + 0 Name Enrollment Number
578 + 1 Alice 1
579 + 2 Bob 2
580 + 3 Bob 3
581 + \end{code}
582 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
583 +
584 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
585 + \\~\\
586 + \question{Create 2 arrays, using MatPlotLib, plot the graph with the content of the two arrays, with coordinates
587 + plotted on x-axis and y-axis.}
588 + \begin{code}
589 + {Program}{python}
590 + import numpy as np
591 + import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
592 + from random import randint
593 +
594 + points = np.array([
595 + [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(50)],
596 + [randint(0, 100) for _ in range(50)],
597 + ])
598 +
599 + fig, ax = plt.subplots()
600 + ax.plot(points[0], points[1], 'ro')
601 + plt.show()
602 + \end{code}
603 + \outputfigure{q27}
604 + % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
605 + \end{document}
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